Quirky Habits of Singaporeans

Today on the way to the library to do some studying, I once again noticed something unique about Singaporeans. Maybe the same thing occurs in other countries but I do not know, so let's just take it as a Singaporean thing.

Quirk 1

The pedestrian light signals red (a.k.a do not cross), there are about 10 people on each side of the road waiting patiently for the light to change. Silence is observed, no cars are around.

Haha, it seems that Singapore's education system seemed to have worked well to inculcate a responsible citizen as well as those who are socially conscious by not dashing across the road. Still, it seemed robotic but it is a good thing ;)

Quirk 2

The seconds on the clock is ticking, each time more and more people arrive. The gates are yet to be open, but once it starts to rise, people scramble to get into the library. LOL! I think this is what truly makes Singapore unique - all the queuing and dashing for the seats - Kiasuism. HAHA.

Got anymore quirks?


At June 5, 2008 at 11:21 AM taugei said...

hey chunhui here. I really think these quirks exist everywhere! I mean, who wouldn't dash for seats after waiting so long? Really a very natural thing to do.

At June 16, 2008 at 3:39 AM Anonymous said...

Hi, J2K3!! interesting thoughts on the nature of the Singaporean education system...robotic (perhaps a freudian sliP?!?!?)
Rules are made to be broken, no? I know in the case of the red light, it is there to protect the pedestrian from being knocked down, but if there was no cars around, surely common sense overrules and you can cross the road? I mean why would you wait just cos its the rule?
ANYWAY...!! I could rant all day, but then i am a half foreigner!
Love the blog by the way.


At June 16, 2008 at 4:52 AM Justin D. Pereira said...

Hi HP,

thanks for your comments! Lol I will be posting up more quirks as I see them =)



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